These are the "beasts" and "tree" that I used for my pattern. This is a replica of what the museum used to embroider on their tunic that is on display. Rather funky looking "animals". |
I have finished what researchers have described as "paired beasts by a tree". One site documented they were deer, but I have never seen three toed deer with tails such as these. Three other sites simply called the animals "beasts". I am still researching why these creatures were on the Mammen Man tunic and what they are to represent. I am putting trust in the museum replica and re-doing the beasts as they worked them on Padruig's tunic. The "animals" are found centered on the upper back of the tunic, just below the neckline. The "beasts" and "tree" are also done in the stem stitch. About a gazillion stem stitches, I might add. Better pictures will be posted soon--that shows the entire "beast" and "tree". For some reason my latest pictures of the finished project cannot be found. Outsmarted by the computer, yet again.
You can almost see the three "toes" |
The "beasts" are worked in a checkerboard pattern of gold and orange. The stitches were done in a way to resemble the laying of fur. The puff at the end of the tail and head are worked in brown. Their legs are done in gold with a tear shaped orange segment on the upper portion of the leg. The mouths are worked in gold with white teeth and the eyes are royal blue. All outlines of the "beasts" are worked in white. The "tree" has a royal blue base. The base "leaf" of the tree is also blue. The "trunk" is orange, outlined in blue. The two outer "leaves" are worked with brown threads, while the center "leaf" is orange. All the "leaves" are outlined with gold.
The back view of first "beast" and "tree". |
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